
    第1届"三代人"城市对抗赛10月22-23日在莫斯科举行。这比赛是一个别开生面的三代同堂的城市对抗赛。比赛在俄罗斯的两个城市圣彼得堡和莫斯科之间进行,每方派出15位棋手参加比赛:包括16岁组,14岁组,12岁组,10岁组,8岁组,6岁组各两位棋手加上三位特级大师。各组别采用不同的时限。代表莫斯科队的特级大师是莫洛泽维奇,格里斯丘克两位超级棋手和强特级大师兹维亚金采夫;代表圣彼得堡队的特级大师是全苏冠军,超级棋手斯维德勒,强特级大师萨卡耶夫和伊万洛夫;圣彼得堡队队长是著名特级大师,老将科尔奇洛依;莫斯科队的队长是俄罗斯国际象棋协会付主席Alexander Zhukov。由于是多个年龄组的棋手同时比赛,可以说是三代同堂,所以称为“三代人”对抗赛。

比赛日程 The schedule of the match:
Opening ceremony - October 22nd at 16.00 Moscow time(+3 GMT)
1st round - October 22nd at 16.30
2nd round - October 23rd at 15.00
Closing ceremony - October 23rd at 19.30

比赛时限 The rate of play of the match:
boards 1-3: 2 hours+15 seconds for each move
boards 4-5: 1 hour 45 min.+15 sec. for each move
boards 6-7: 1 hour 30 min.+15 sec. for each move
boards 8-9: 1 hour 30 min.+0
boards 10-11: 1 hour 15 min.+0
boards 12-13: 1 hour+0
boards 14-15: 45 min.+0

The results of the match: 

圣彼得堡队 Saint-Petersburg
Petr Svidler 1/2,1
Konstantin Sakaev 1/2,1/2
Sergey Ivanov 1/2,1/2
Evgeny Alekseev (16 years old) 1/2,1/2
Polina Malysheva (16) 1,1 
Aleksey Lanin (14) 1,1 
Ekaterina Egorova (14) 1/2,1/2 
Maxim Matlakov (12) 1/2,0 
Alexandra Levshakova (12) 1/2,0 
Alexander Shimanov (10) 0,1/2 
Anastasia Bodnaruk (10) 1,1 
Ilya Markevich (8) 1,0 
Dina Bazhenova (8) 0,0 
Vladislav Vladyko (6) 0,0 
Kristina Kolesnikova (6) 1,0 
莫斯科队 Moscow
Alexander Morozevich 1/2,0
Aleksander Grischuk 1/2,1/2 
Vadim Zvjaginsev 1/2,1/2 
Boris Grachev (16 years old) 1/2,1/2 
Valerija Antonenko (16) 0,0 
Egor Krivoborodov (14) 0,0
Svetlana Vasilkova (14) 1/2,1/2 
Evgeny Perman (12) 1/2,1 
Daria Charochkina (12) 1/2,1 
Eduard Babushkin (10) 1,1/2 
Varvara Repina (10) 0,0 
Armen Badalian (8) 0,1 
Daria Pustovoitova (8) 1,1 
Dmitry Gordievsky (6) 1,1 
Margarita Ovcharenko (6) 0,1

圣彼得堡队队长 The captain of the team of Saint-Petersburg - GM Victor Korchnoi
莫斯科队队长 The captain of the team of Moscow - the vice president of Russian Chess Federation Alexander Zhukov

The total score of the 1st day 8.5:6.5 in favour of Saint-Petersburg 
The total score of the 2nd day 8.5:6.5 in favour of Moscow 
The total score of the match 15:15 

现场报道站点 http://www.ruschess.com/index.php  

作者 叶红 《国际象棋通报》02-10-25

网页制作 纳兰红叶   最后更新日期 2002-10-25   联络 纳兰红叶
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